About Me

My name is Mircea Rebengiuc. I study programming and I also take part in competitive programming contests (see awards). My hobbies range from ping pong, cubing and spending hours on a website just because the old version looks dumb now.

My skills


I consider learning C to be very important because it was used for UNIX (the first operating system and 'ancestor' of one of today's best operating sistems, GNU/LINUX). It's combination of simplicity and power makes it ideal for both beginners and andvanced developers. I learned C from Cristian Francu, an amazing teacher without which i coudn't have been able to do this much.


One day I decided to learn Python by myself. It was very easy. Though it is lacking in some areas (especially speed) it is great in aplications such as data science, AI and statistics. Also, because of it's general lack of overhead (speaking in terms of implementation speed), it is great for quick scripts where languages like bash and awk just don't do the job.


I started learning the basic web languadges (HTML, CSS and JS) when I decided I wanted a personal website. I recently also started learning more fancy stuff like React, Next.js and Tailwindcss for bigger projects. These frameworks drasticaly enhance the developer experience and I don't regret spending my time learning them.


Let's be clear: the only advantage of PHP over Node is that you can find easy free hosting. This languadge is a mess (If you don't believe me just wait until you find out that somehow "0" == NULL). It's syntax is pure garbage and it's slow. Now I wonder why I learned this useless time-consuming piece of shit.


Let's be clear: the only advantage of PHP over Node is that Heroku, the only free Node hosting service I could find doesn't believe in files and is a pain to start up. Like JS (beacause that's what it is), Node.js has a normal syntax, built-in asyncronous programming, and it's fast(-ish, but PHP is still slower). If you want to do anything on the web use Node.js (#not sponsored)


Though it is widely used to this day SQL, like PHP, has earned a reputation of being something in a bank that they didn't bother to change since 1970 (because if it ain't broke, don't fix it). The de-facto implementation of SQL is, of course, MySQL MariaDB but new ones such as PostgreSQL and MongoDB are quickly gaining traction. Unlike PHP you don't have that many alternatives so yeah, better learn it if you want that job.



  • 1st place at the admision exam for CNITV.


  • Bronze medal at the National Olympiad of Informatics (11th place)


  • 1st place at Empowersoft (an online programming competition, similar to the olympiad)
  • 1st place at Cristian Francu's flood-wars competition


  • 1st place at Empowersoft (again, but this time they gave me a drone)
  • Gold medal at the National Olimpiad of Informatics (8th place)
  • Got into the national team for international competitions
  • Silver medals at all three categories of MGSC (2nd place in Romania at the Physics category)


  • Silver medal at the National Olimpiad of Physics
  • Gold medal at the National Olimpiad of Informatics (1st place)
  • Got into the national team for international competitions for Informatics (again)
  • Gold medal at the National Olimpiad of Mathematics (4th place)
  • Got into the national team for international competitions for Mathematics (idk how)